
Vendor Transport® Module

Source: At-Your-Service Software, Inc./CostGuard® for Windows
Vendor Transport® takes you from ordering through receiving. You don't have to enter any transactions! This toolkit is smart enough to automate purchasing and flexible enough to let you run the show.

Vendor Transport® takes you from ordering through receiving. You don't have to enter any transactions! This toolkit is smart enough to automate purchasing and flexible enough to let you run the show.

Download your order guide. You'll be up and running in a flash!

Update your inventory prices. What used to take all day now takes almost no time at all. You're assured that your pricing is 100% accurate.

Transmit purchase orders electronically to your supplier. You can recall this purchase order on your screen when the shipment arrives.

Vendor Transport® links your data with your supplier. It creates inventory items, maintains inventory prices, and exports purchase orders in your suppliers' formats. Please note that specific capabilities may vary depending on the supplier; call for details.

We currently interface with many major broad-line distributors, and we also include a generic interface for easy integration with other suppliers.

If your supplier isn't listed, tell them to call us immediately. If we end up developing a Vendor Transport with that supplier, you'll receive it for free!

Vendor Transport® requires the Inventory module.