
Frypowder Oil Stabilizer

Source: MirOil, Division of Oil Process Systems, Inc.
Frypowder Oil Stabilizer is an inert food grade rhyolitic mineral blended with a small quantity of citric acid.
MirOil, Division of Oil Process Systems, Stabilizer is an inert food grade rhyolitic mineral blended with a small quantity of citric acid. The mineral does not react or interact chemically with the oil or the food. The citric acid effervesces when the mineral is added to the hot oil, activating the mineral's adsorption sites and enhancing its ability to capture oil breakdown substances when it settles at the bottom of the fryer.

The product "subtracts" the most reactive polar substances as they form in the oil, preventing the formation of many other species of polar substances that undermine cooking performance and impart "off" flavors to food. The product also stabilizes the chemistry of better oils, ensuring properly cooked food.

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